Monday, January 10, 2011

I appear to be in a chatty mood today

1 - It's actually really nice when your own brain knows exactly how to make sure you get up for an early appointment. Even if it's not particularly pleasant (in my case, having me dream about someone I'd rather not dream about paired with a situation that I want, but know will never happen in reality...Still it got me up and the rest of the day was wonderful. I'm on to you, brain. I know you're cleverer than you seem sometimes).
2 - School workbooks are a great way to refresh your skills in various subjects and just because you've got a college degree doesn't mean you remember everything you learned in previous grades (I realized this while looking through math workbooks in Borders. There's so much I've forgotten how to do. XD)
3 - I've realized that even though some of the coincidences in my life are really weird, they also make things rather convenient (ex: the doctors that I have to see in a given year seem to be split into three different groups. Each group shares a similar location whether it's offices in the same building, on the same street, or in the same general area. It makes it easy to remember how to get to them.  The most convenient situation is if I have to see my orthodontist and dentist in the same day because they're on the same floor of the same building...and my psychiatrist is right up the street from them. XD)
4 - Nothing makes you feel closer to working society (even if you aren't quite a permanent member of it yet) like visiting a grocery store at lunchtime (despite the was a lot of fun to see who descended upon Whole Foods to buy their lunch). While some may not like this feeling, I rather enjoyed it.
5 - A bit of Guinness is a recommended ingredient for the soft gingerbread.

Catch ya' on the flipside, mates.

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