Friday, January 7, 2011

I also learned a lot about Napoleon today.

I went to the Napoleon exhibit at the history museum today. It was very interesting, but I kept having stray thoughts about how Rimmer would've reacted had he ever found such an exhibit.

1 - Despite the trouble it can cause later, watching snow fall is very calming (and apparently my dog, Mitzi, enjoys watching it, too).
2 - I get a real laugh out of Victorian era entertaining etiquette (I bought a book about it and I love the way it's written because it's serious about the subject, just seems so...ridiculous. It's so over the top). Despite the silliness, it's still one of my favorite eras of British history.
3 - I've learned that a dog (in this case, my dog, Ginger) who's very determined to get a kleenex out of the trash can is frakkin' hilarious. Though I haven't learned why she loves kleenex filled with boogers so much.
4 - Don't pick fights with Russia. It's bad luck. Leaders who have picked fights with that country in the past tend lose the wars they're already fighting.
5 - I'm taller than Napoleon.

Catch ya' on the flipside, mates.

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